Thursday, April 02, 2015

A Reflection on Holy Week

During Holy Week we remember in awe and gratitude that Jesus Christ came into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, though his praise was short-lived.
Through the week he will teach, cleanse, heal, and hold a last meal; then be betrayed and denied by friends...and go forth to the cross to be broken for us all.
This year we are invited to follow him more closely in our lives--through new study and discipline and worship; watch him suffer and die with all that he has come to know of us and our world engraved in his heart.
And we are invited more fully--or for the first time--to receive him back from the dead, into ourselves and our world. And we are called to let him change us--with forgiveness and joy--and teach us how to give up what is destructive and hold firm to what gives life; teach us how to love our neighbor as ourselves in God's grace.
These are challenging times we live in. We are encouraged to participate in true worship, witness and koinonia:
As Paul wrote, "Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us, therefore let us keep the feast. Not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Alleluia!"
God's holy passion is the power that can turn us at last into the persons we were meant to be, persons beginning a life worth living and even a life that lasts forever.
In Christ's Beloved Community,
Rev. Michael Granzen, Ph.D.

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