Human beings seek ekstasis, a ‘stepping outside’ of their normal, mundane experience. If they no longer find ecstasy in a synagogue, church or mosque, they look for it in dance, music, sport, [money], sex or drugs.
When people receive the Bible receptively and intuitively, they find it gives them intimations of transcendence. A major characteristic of a peak religious insight is a sense of wholeness and oneness. It has been called coincidentia oppositorum: in this ecstatic condition, things that seemed separate and even opposed coincide and reveal an unexpected unity. Karen Armstrong
When people receive the Bible receptively and intuitively, they find it gives them intimations of transcendence. A major characteristic of a peak religious insight is a sense of wholeness and oneness. It has been called coincidentia oppositorum: in this ecstatic condition, things that seemed separate and even opposed coincide and reveal an unexpected unity. Karen Armstrong
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